Women in Leadership Program evaluation
We have reviewed the evidence related to leadership development program outcomes for women – we look forward to sharing this with you soon. Also underway is a robust evaluation of the Women in Leadership program, a 3-day program delivered by the Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation (MCHRI).
“It was really empowering in a lot of ways. If I hadn’t done the program, I don’t think I would have considered applying for this job”
The findings to date are encouraging and demonstrate positive outcomes for the women participating in the program, and for a lead organisation, Monash Health, which has an embedded program. We have presented preliminary findings to the Monash Health Gender Equality Committee, and look forward to publishing these findings in due course when the evaluation is complete.
“I’ve put my hand up to do lots of leadership workshops, but that was one of my favourites. I found it a very nurturing space”